Wednesday, June 24, 2009

TestStudio, Hmmm...

It's been a while, I've doing a lot of playing with my Genetic Algorithms program, writing a Neural Net program, and studying Chaos.

First, Congratulations to the Wendy, former Queen of CVI. She's moved on MIT, graduate school, and opportunities up there. Way to go!

Second, Welcome Adri K, the new Queen of CVI and all NI things Text. Everyone needs to go to NI Week and say hi to her or the NI CVI community.

Now to the meat of the subject. TestStudio, not TestStand but TestStudio.Teradyne's offering in the test sequencing arena. It seems to be cheap knock off of TestStand put out by Teradyne. This is the product we'll be using on our next test set. It was not my choice or the choice of anyone who will have to develop on it.

Since this choice has been made for use and I've been told to accept it, I want to write about comparisons between TestStudio and TestStand.

First comparison...none. Teradyne, who is apparently very big on keeping the purchaser of the product in the dark, will not allow us to have an evaluation copy or access the support site until they get their PO.

We are told it's great, or at least the only product that will run its proprietary switch manger. We're also told the switch manager is a .dll. .dll's will run under TestStand, so why is TestStudio the only way to run the switch manager?

I guess I'll have to wait until we actually get the software before I can compare it. Since TestStand allows a 30 day evaluation and TestStudio doesn't, plus we can't get to the support. Is Teradyne's product so bad they can't even allow people to evaluate it?

TestStand 2, TestStudio -2. Negative since I can't even get to any documentation except Propaganda sheet.


Anonymous said...

we use Teststudio on one of our test platforms and I have to say I thought it to be a bit of a downward step from teststand.
The code was implimented by a third party and Ive only been involved in the tickling it along stage.
Totally agree with your comments, any dll can be called from teststand....


Unknown said...

Hey Joe, Thank you very much for the shout out! I have very big (well, really they are tiny and rather stylish) shoes to fill, but I am very eager to working with LabWindows/CVI developers, such as yourself.

I also agree that all LabWindows/CVI developers should attend NI Week so that I have the opportunity to meet you! We have great things planned for this year!

Thanks again,
Adri Kruger
LabWindows/CVI and Measurement Studio Product Manager

JAV said...

Hi Rupert, The little bits I'm learning about TestStudio so far makes me think it's not worth it.

Hi Adri, I'm glad you found my blog, it's kind of random since I've been working a lot with company processes...which aren't really worth writing about.

Y'all have a great day!